The Kalevala epic is an expression of a wonderful human achievement far grander and more momentous than the pyramids or the Great Wall of China. It reflects the very essence of the intangible, philosophical, erotic, humorous and thrilling heritage of the greater Finno-Baltic community that has evolved over millennia, a creative endeavour involving every member of the culture from which it stems, a song of songs.
An echo of this mythical world was saved in the nick of time and is today enshrined in the 1.27 million recorded verses of the ancient poems of the Finnish people and the Kalevala as it was compiled by Elias Lönnrot. It is of and for all of humanity and therefore of immeasurable value.
The Kalevala has been translated into 65 languages, including Urdu and Udmurt, and into English no less than five times. It is an international brand that lends itself to cultural and commercial use, even on a global scale. That, however, calls for expertise and daring, flights of fancy, witty and wacky humour, excesses, provocative transgression and expansion.
The heritage of the Kalevala, reinterpreted and updated for the present, can serve as an inexhaustible fount of inspiration for new scripts, books, films, art, design, fashion, graphic novels, music, computer games, even hitherto unknown forms of art. We seek to reinstate that heritage so that it will once again become a thriving cultural entity
16th of April 2019
Juha Hurme ja Tuomari Nurmio

Kalevala dead or alive -Club
Tickets are available from G-Livelab: www.glivelab.fi.
The club days and performers are:
5.2.2020 Paleface, Maija Kauhanen and Juha Hurme and nuclear physics of Kalevala
4.3.2020 Pauanne and Juha Hurme and nuclear physics of Kalevala
1.4.2020 Tuomari Nurmio & UGR! and Juha Hurme and nuclear physics of Kalevala
Clubs: G Livelab, Yrjönkatu 3, Helsinki.
CD: Kalevala Dead or Alive
This new ”Kalevala dead or alive” CD is released on 30th of August 2019. It is available on all the streaming services and as a CD and vinyl at Levykauppa Äx.
Following artists have made new tunes for the CD inspired by Kalevala: Tuomari Nurmio & Tohtori Hillilä, Paleface & Maija Kauhanen and Paleface & Mikko Heikinpoika, Ismo Alanko, Faarao Pirttikangas & Nubialaiset, Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L, Mara Balls, Jaakko Laitinen & Väärä Raha and Suistamon Sähkö.
The CD is released by Vallila Music House.
The events are organized by KalevalaFest association.
Partners and funders are: Kone Foundation, The Kalevala Society, Vallila Music House, Teos Publishing, City of Helsinki, Finnish Music Creators’ Association, Superson, R-collection, Klaus K Hotel and Yle.
Riitta Huttunen, riitta@maetka.fi, +358 (0)50 355 1036
Sirpa Lahti, sirpa@maetka.fi,+358 (0)40 738 4736